There is nothing in the types to stop you from returning an IVar from
runPar and passing it to another call of runPar . This is a Very Bad
Idea; don’t do it. The implementation of the Par monad assumes that
IVar s are created and used within the same runPar , and breaking this
assumption could lead to a runtime error, deadlock, or worse.
runPar $ do
i <- new
j <- new
fork (put i (fib n))
fork (put j (fib m))
a <- get i
b <- get j
return (a+b)
Data Parallel Programming with Repa
import Data.Array.Repa as Repa
GPU Programming with Accelerate
the processors of a GPU all run exactly the same code in lockstep,
so they are suitable only for data-parallel tasks where the operations to perform on each data item are identical.
cabal install accelerate
cabal install accelerate-cuda